top 10 awesome things happening right this very moment


1. Someone is being born.​

2. Someone is laughing so hard, she's making that snorting sound.​

3. Someone is falling madly, deeply and helplessly in love.

4. Someone is so happy, he's crying.​

5.  Someone is ​about to get married, to someone who he would've never dared dream possible.

6.  Someone is becoming a parent for the first time.​

7.  Someone is getting caught in the rain -- and totally doesn't mind.​

8. Someone is seeing the ocean for the first time -- and she's awestruck.​

9.  Someone is tasting a brand-new food -- and it is life-changing.​

10.  Someone is greeting a friend for the first time in years -- and he's not ready to stop hugging him quite yet.

And if I'm wrong about any one of these things (and I don't think I am), trust me:  it's going to happen very, very soon.​

Life is good.​

Song:  Here comes the sun by The Beatles​