a tiny getaway


​Today, Marcus and I are leaving town for a quick getaway.  I'm really excited about it for two reasons (1) because it looks pretty awesome, and assuming it's all that it promises to be, I'll be taking photos and sharing them with you when I return, but mostly (2) this venue doesn't allow children, so Marcus and I will have a night alone in a lovely setting.

"Oh," I hear you saying, "but how can you possibly leave sweet little Alex behind?"  Surprisingly easily, actually.  This is the very first time that I ever remember Marcus and I having a completely leisurely time to ourselves without Alex -- and she's coming up on 9 years old, mind.  And while I love that child like no other and she is absolutely my joy, she gets to go share her joy with her grandparents tonight.  This makes her grandparents happy, she's happy, and Marcus and I have some alone time, before popping in on Saturday to visit one of my dearest friends, and then heading back home.

So wish us godspeed, and I'll see you when I get back.  In my absence, I share another recent photograph of Alex, illustrating her talents with the waxy rind of a Babybel cheese.  It will either charm you, or alternatively, if you, like me, are somewhat unnerved by clowns ever since reading Stephen King's IT, it will scare the bejeezus out of you:


I hope my parents are ready.

Have a great weekend, friends.​

Song:  ​Don't go breaking my heart, by Elton John featuring Kiki Dee.  Because when I am down, Alex is my clown.