around here


​My friend Ali Edwards recently shared one of her favourite ways to capture moments:  using the prompt "around here" or "currently" or "right now" she records what's happening during this particular time of her daily life -- how she's feeling about it, and so on. 

I love this.  And so, here's what's going on around here ...

Settling into after-school life.  ​This year, Alex is busy:  every day after school she has ballet or karate; in addition, she also has a West Indian mother who makes her do homework (even though her school doesn't start assigning homework until 4th grade).  For the most part, she does it without too much resistance (the out-of-the-oven cookies and milk help), and she's really sailing through her lessons.  I'm very proud of her.


Getting ready for October.  ​I'm sort of stunned that we're heading into October already, and the end of the month is always my busy time, particularly putting together a new playlist and getting my gratitude.2012 newsletter ready to go out.  It's crunch time, but I'm always so happy when I look at the final product.


Preparing for Ethiopia.  I've ​begun laying out everything that I'm going to need to pack for my upcoming trip, and am a little stunned with what I need to take (I may have to leave clothes behind!).  I love international travel, and so I'm crazy excited.


Planning for the house renovation.  ​ In addition to choosing floors and countertops and fireplace façades, this weekend is the last weekend I have to help Marcus move everything out of our kitchen and family room before construction begins.  The work we have to do to make this happen overwhelms me (we are nothing if not pack rats), but dreaming of the final product certainly helps.

So that's ​what's going on here -- we're a bit manic right now, but it's all incredibly exciting stuff.  What's going on where you are?  Share with me.

And have a wonderful weekend, friends.​

SongI'm into something good, as performed by The Bird and The Bee