might as well jump

"Whenever I tell someone that I used to practice law before doing what I do now, what generally follows is a question about how I managed to take the leap.  'It's such a big change,' they wonder, 'going from something like law, to photography or writing.  You're so brave.'

It's very flattering, of course, to be perceived as courageous; however, to be completely honest, that perception is woefully misplaced ..."


Over at the Lime Blog, I've shared my thoughts on why big leaps are often not big leaps, as well as some of what I did to help make my big leap feel less big.  I'd love if you'd take a look.

(And also, just a reminder that Early Bird Registration for the LimeLight Sessions ends in just a few more days, and there are just a few more spots available -- so if you'd like to join me in October, register soon!)