#naphopomo 2013, day 21: autumn hindsight 2013


Today might very well be the last really warm day in Houston for the year.  (Of course, I could've told you this would happen:  when we ran out and bought new patio furniture for our backyard in anticipation of the arrival of Marcus' family from England, we did so with an unreasonable amount of smugness.  "Oh, how they'll enjoy sitting outside in our warm Houston sunshine!" we smiled to ourselves.  Clearly, we should have known better.)  While we're certainly not expecting snow or anything actually frosty, mind you, the next few days are going to be cool-to-cold (highs in the low 50s, lows in the 30s) and drizzly.  Winter, such it is in Houston, cometh.

A few months ago at the end of the summer, I did a "hindsight post," sharing with you photographs that I had taken during the previous three months that for various reasons never actually made it to the blog.  I figure since, weather-wise, this is the unofficial last day of "autumn" (such as it is in Houston), today I'd do the same.

Here's what autumn 2013 looked like in my life, friends.


I have to say, I strongly recommend doing these seasonal photo reviews of your own images yourself, even if it's just scrolling through the photos on your smart phone.  Seeing them all together is just such an awesome way to see the good in your life each season.

It was a great fall.

And now?  Bring on the holidays.


Song:  Holding back the years, as performed by Gretchen Parlato.  Because this version is exactly how I feel when I look at these photos.

These photographs are being shared as part of #NaPhoPoMo (National Photo Posting Month) -- a shot a day for the month of November.   You should join me:  it's a lesson in stopping and looking, improving your photography skills, and appreciating the beauty and light around you. 

Click here to see who's participating (and sign up your own blog, if you'd like!).  And if you tag your photos with #NaPhoPoMo on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Google+, your image will automatically be seen here.  I hope you join in the fun - and I can't wait to see what you capture.