on reunions


Almost 20 years ago I went to my 10 year high school reunion.*  I wasn't entirely sure why I was going, to be honest: my dad's job in the energy industry had ensured that I had attended 3 high schools in 4 years; as a result, I had gone to the school I graduated from for only one year, and therefore didn't have the deep, profound memories and connections that I'm sure my other classmates had.  I mean, the party was fun and all, but as everyone reminisced about days gone by like they were in a "Where Are They Now" TV special for High School Musical, I couldn't help feeling like there was something I was missing in the whole "reunion" experience.  

A few weeks ago, I received an email from my college alma mater, Texas A&M University, offering me a deal on football tickets for the coming fall.  "It's been 25 years since graduation!" ** exclaimed the email. "Come celebrate at the reunion!" 

I admit, for a brief moment, I considered it:  it's been a while since I've been on campus, and the truth is that Aggie football games are really something to behold.  But the university is huge -- about 10,000 students in my graduating class alone -- and I knew only a tiny percentage of that number, and remain in touch with even a smaller fraction of that. So while I probably should consider going back to an A&M game at some point, a reunion doesn't seem like the good reason to do so -- my likelihood of running into anyone to reunite with is pretty slim.

So, I concluded, perhaps I'm just not the reunion type. 

And then, over the weekend, my friend Laura contacted me.  Laura used to live in Houston, and back then we would see each other all the time; however, a few years ago she moved, and our chances of connecting have dwindled to only a couple of times a year.

"Will you be around in Houston next week?" read her email.  "I'm coming to town."

We quickly made plans, and yesterday, we met for breakfast.  We talked about serious issues and frivolous ones. We gossiped and laughed and gave each other advice.  Two-and-a-half hours passed like it was 5 minutes, and far too soon it was time for me to leave to pick up Alex -- but not before we made arrangements for another reunion, this time including some close, mutual friends.

It turns out, then, that maybe I am the reunion type -- just in my case, the reunions have to be small, preferably with people who mean a whole lot. 



*  Yeah, I'm finding the math on this pretty astonishing, myself. 

**  I know. I know.

Song:  My Chookooloonks June 2013 playlist.  A mellow playlist for early summer evening dinners with good pals at twinkle-lit picnic tables, or making s'mores with your best friends.  Click on the image below to listen.