random thoughts in the quiet


My sister and her family are in Houston, staying at my parents' place, and so Alex has been staying there as well to spend time with her cousins.  Even though Marcus and I have spent time over at my parents' quite a bit over the past few days, we've come home every evening alone, and it has been sort of strange not having her bouncing around the house here.  It has been quiet.​  And during these evenings at home, it's been raining a lot, which makes our house very cozy.

On one hand, it's been lovely -- it feels like it used to when it was just Marcus and me, before we became parents.​

On the other?  It's been lonely -- I miss her energy, her sense of humour and her sweetness.​ ​

(Is this what it's going to be like when she goes to college?)​


I have one more quick trip on Saturday -- a day trip to New Orleans, to speak at the Niche Mommy Conference -- and then I'm pretty much done traveling, save for that epic trip to Ethiopia in October.  I admit that I'm very relieved:  I'm hoping that after October, I can really settle in at home, in time for the holidays.​

But first, Path Finder.  ​It starts next week, and it's a wonderfully large, diverse group. I can't wait to get started (and you should join us, if you haven't already signed up).


On the work front, I'm at the beginning of a large (read: exhilarating but terrifying) project, and I'm right at the point where I need to either give up the idea or take the leap (read: I know I should take the leap, but I'm scared).  Encouraging words needed and welcome.


​So, that's what's going on in my neck of the woods.  What's going on with you?

SongMercy, mercy me by Marvin Gaye.  Because it turns out that Marvin Gaye is pretty much perfect on rainy days.​