thanksgiving, boston strong

A couple of months ago, I received an email from my friend Mark.  "Hey, any chance you guys would be interested in coming up to Boston to celebrate Thanksgiving with us?"


Seeing as Mark is Alex's godfather, and I'm Mark's son's godmother, and we'd never visited them since they moved to Boston, and Morgan (Mark's wife) is the most gracious host, and even though Marcus and I aren't huge Thanksgiving celebrators (given our foreign childhoods), we understand well enough that Thanksgiving is about friends and family, there was no way we were going to decline that invitation.  We happily booked our flights, and we flew out last Tuesday, and returned yesterday for an incredibly whirlwind trip.

Ah, but just because a trip is whirlwind doesn't mean that we couldn't pack a ton of things to do during our days there.  We visited Berklee College of Music, and while there, we were able to crash a student's senior recital, catapulting Berklee to the number one spot on the list of places where Alex hopes to apply for college.  We ate -- my God, how we ate -- lobster rolls and mussels and clam chowder and oysters and pretty much every seafood Boston is known for ... and that was even before we got to Thanksgiving dinner.  We toured the city and took photographs of the Boston light, and even had champagne and Boston Cream Pie (naturally).  We laughed and we drank wine and we roughhoused with kids.  It was everything that Thanksgiving is supposed to be about.

So thank you so much, Mark, Morgan, William and Rose -- we had the most amazing time.  Here's to this being the first of many more visits to your beautiful home and town.


(To see more images of that awesome Boston light, click here.)


Soundtrack:  Beautiful by G. Love, featuring Tristan Prettyman.  Mark first introduced me to G. Love, so I can't hear any song by him without thinking of Mark and his family.