the big wind-down

Dear friends,

Well, that was a deeply satisfying Thanksgiving holiday off: Alex’s last class was canceled, and we were able to have her come home a day earlier than planned. During the week we had some concentrated family time, friend time, and food time. I read and relaxed. I journaled. We put up our Christmas tree. I even busted out an old jigsaw puzzle despite my family’s mockery. (Marcus and Alex claim to hate jigsaw puzzles, which makes the fact that they usually end up wandering by and helping a bit when I do them that much more … well, puzzling.) In short, it was a restorative week. And now, Alex is back safe and sound in Chicago, and Marcus and I are back to work. Back to reality.

But in only three weeks, Alex will be back in Houston, and we’ll be celebrating the holidays in earnest.

As I prepared for this last-week-of-November-beginning-of-December week, I realized that now is the perfect time to start winding down 2022: tying up any loose ends in preparation for a calm, bright holiday, while also beginning to dream of what I want for the new year to bring. As you know, for many years I’ve picked a single word for each year, to help guide me in living my day-to-day life. Well, I’m happy to report that unlike many years in the past, my 2023 word has come to me with a bang — more on that later. But suffice to say, I anticipate spending the remaining weeks of this year planning and dreaming what next year might look like, with this word as guidance.

I think anticipation is one of the best emotions ever, don’t you?

I can’t begin to tell you how annoyed I was that I couldn’t find that last puzzle piece.

I hope this past week has been restful and restorative for you, too. Here’s to moving into this delicious time of anticipation and transition with ease. To help make that happen, here’s a playlist of very chill, end-of-year-themed music. I’ve been listening to this playlist around this season for years now, and it helps make my workdays feel peaceful.

May your days be merry and bright, friends.