this was a good week

This was a good week.  Here's why:

•  Alex attended a birthday slumber party earlier this week, and one of the activities they did -- and I promise I had nothing to do with this -- included potting some plants.  I was thrilled when she came home Monday morning with the crimson caladium, above -- such brilliant, tropical leaves!  It was like she brought a tiny bit of Trinidad home with her.

•  Speaking of Alex, as of yesterday at 3:25 p.m., she's officially a 5th grader.  How did that happen so fast?

•  Zebras:  are they black with white stripes, or white with black stripes?  (One thing's for sure: they're gorgeous).

•  This week, the sails of Sydney Opera House were illuminated with breathtaking light as part of Vivid LIVE.  Australia, you are so awesome.

•  A soldier documents his time in Afghanistan using tintype photography.  Amazing images.

•  Actor Jeff Goldblum plays a weekly jazz show in Los Angeles, and has been doing so for 15 years.  I loved him with an unreasonable ardour even before I saw this, and now I adore him more.

•  I love it when someone featured on Humans of New York makes me think.

•  CNN shared 31 selfies from around the world.  I know selfies aren't supposed to be cool, but I love seeing them.  Selfie away, I say.

•  LIME RETREATS IS ALMOST SOLD OUT -- there are just 2 spots left in this fall's LimeLight Sessions.  Also, the early bird registration fee expires at close of business tomorrow.  I'd love if you'd join me -- see you in October?

•  And finally, for today's song of the day, the inimitable Maya Angelou, performing her poem And Still I Rise.  And so she does.


Maya Angelou
1928 - 2014



Have a wonderful weekend, beautiful friends.