this was a good week

This was a great week!  Here's why:

 I got home safely from Utah, got to speak with an amazing group of students at St. John's School here in Houston, and I have a break between travels, allowing me to stay home and do awesome things like scritch behind Soca's ear ...

... see?

 TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO REGISTER FOR LIGHT & COLOUR A/V JOURNALING.  I repeat:  TODAY IS THE LAST DAY.  If you'd like to join us (and you do, I promise!) then please register today.  The course begins on Monday.  Today's the day.

•  Art is not a luxury.  I couldn't agree more.

•  Here are photos of the first flower ever grown in space.  The universe just got a little prettier, friends.

•  My online friend Christine surprised her family for Christmas -- she lives in Canberra, Australia, her family lives in Seattle, and she didn't tell them that she and her family would be there for Christmas Eve.  Luckily for us, Christine is a crazy-talented photographer, and she shared the moment her parents laid eyes on her.  The images make me so happy.

•  Barbie looks like all of us.  Finally.  Way to go, Mattel.

•  And finally, for today's soundtrack, this cover of Tracy Chapman's Fast Car by Boyce Avenue, featuring Kina Grannis.  It's just lovely.  Click here or the image below to listen.