thoughts and sensations

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I’m not going to lie: today was a tough day for me. The news continues to be alarming, and I’ve developed a nagging little cough that, using common sense, is far more likely due to the pollen that is coating everything around here in Houston right now than anything else, especially given that my family and I have been meticulous about handwashing and not leaving our house except for necessities for over a week.

And yet.

The good news that I remembered something a client taught me last week about “thoughts and sensations.” She credited a coach named Amanda Blake for the concept, but the gist of it is this: thoughts exist in the past and the future, but sensations exist in the present. This is why grounding yourself with something that invokes your senses can be so grounding. Like, you know, music. Or a scent. It’s why, if you think about it, spas and yoga studios often have calming music playing, or incense burning — they ensure that you have no choice but to be mindful of where you are in the moment.

So now, when I find myself spiralling out of control with my “but what ifs,” I’m going to remember to do something that invokes my senses. Like take a hike. Or put on some good music. Or like a stick of incense.

And breathe.

Soundtrack: One true vine performed by Mavis Staples. This song came on as I was playing this Spotify playlist today, and I just love it.