finding purpose: make light summer break 2019, episode 3

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Welcome back to the summer break! This time, I’m back home in Houston, taking a walk through the arboretum that’s near my home. Join me as I share my thoughts about using your gifts in a way that is small for you, but makes a big difference in people’s lives.

In this episode:

Click the arrow below to listen.

And of course, don’t forget:

1)  if you have a question or a challenge that you’d like tackled here on The Make Light Show, particularly if it has to do with adding purpose to your career or stepping into your calling more, simply email, and you might just see your question answered on an upcoming episode;

2) if you’d like to work on your question or challenge with me one-on-one, coaching awesome people is my passion — so please, don’t hesitate to learn more about my coaching practice (and if coaching looks like something you might be interested in, my first session is free!); and finally,

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