of honour, wanderings & zen peacekeeping


Hi, loves!  Big weekend around these parts:  it's going to be a weekend of family, sunshine and iced tea all up in this joint.  But before I head off into the sunset, a few things I wanted to share with you:​

Wonderings and Wanderings.  I feel like I've been keeping a secret from you:  I can't imagine why I haven't shared this beautiful site by Jeanine Caron with you sooner.*  Jeanine is a master at film photography, and she has just revamped her portfolio site to showcase it to great effect.  Go take a look, but prepare to become completely lost in it.  (And if you happen to be in the market for a great editorial photographer in London, you should totally give her a call.)

* Incidentally, you can always check out the writers, artists & photographers who inspire me at the bottom of this page. They represent some really beautiful work.​

Zen Peacekeeping.  ​Yesterday evening, something beautiful arrived in the mail:  Zen Under Fire, the new book from my beautiful friend, lawyer, yogi and activist Marianne Elliott.  I've been following her blog for years, and I can. not. wait to dig into this book about her life as a UN human rights lawyer in Afghanistan.  She's great.  Please go check her out

And finally, over at Babble ...​

Still, when I consider the alternative -- when I choose to react, or respond, or behave in a way that I feel to be less honourable than I know I am capable of, there is just nothing worse than that uneasy feeling that I get in the pit of my stomach.  You know the one:  the one where the little voice inside of you says, dude, you are better than that.  The one that comes dangerously close to feeling like shame.  Man, I hate that feeling.  Because in my world, nothing comes in the way of my feeling gratitude like experiencing shame.

... I'm sharing some thoughts about honour and gratitude.  Go take a look.

And with that, Happy Easter/Good Passover to those of you who celebrate, and to all of you, have a wonderful, joy-filled weekend.​

Song:​  Bliss like this by Ani DiFranco