scenes from the weekend

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This weekend was wonderful: my friend Maile came to visit, and it was amazing. You know how you have one of those amazing times that dammit, you forget to take your camera out? That was this weekend. We had a photo shoot, we went to an art opening, we cooked good food. Such a great time.

Alex also went to a dance, and after Maile left, Marcus and I went to the garden store, and I did some puttering around my garden — and thank heavens I finally remembered my camera. So here’s what the last half of our weekend looked like.

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Happy Monday, friends. Make it a great week.

Soundtrack: I think we’re alone now by Tiffany. Weirdly, Alex and her friends are totally into this ancient song. Maile, Alex and I totally might have scream-yelled the lyrics in the car on the way back to our house, much to Marcus’ chagrin.

join me at lime retreat!

Lime Retreat is back! Consider joining me for the brand new Lime Retreat on Saturday, November 16th, for a dream-making, goal-setting, strategy-activating day retreat with good food, good music and good fun! Held in a funky art gallery in downtown Houston, the day promises to set you on your way to curating a joyful, purpose-full life. In fact, maybe make a weekend of it.

Click here or the button below to register — space is very limited.

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