the beautiful moment series: kristen chase of cool mom picks


If you'd asked me a few years ago if I would be interested in making movies, I would have answered with an emphatic "no."  My work, I believed, was in stills.  Videography was something that videographers did.  Moving pictures are cool and all, but leave me my single-lens-reflex, thank you very much.

In recent times, however, I've started to become more enchanted with the idea of combining stills with moving footage (for reasons not the least of which is watching the magic Xanthe Berkeley makes with her camera - and she hosts an amazing online course that teaches you how she does it here).  So last month (and fighting every miserly bone in my body), I bit the bullet and ordered a brand new Nikon D4, thinking it was time to upgrade my aging D300 with a camera that also takes stellar high definition video

I can't wait to get it.

Unfortunately, however, the D4 is SERIOUSLY backordered (rumours of first deliveries not happening until early summer are starting to be bandied about), so I've been sitting here champing at the bit.  To make matters worse, there's a little project that I've wanted to start for a while, and the waiting has been driving me crazy. (Have I ever mentioned how impatient I am?)  Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.​

This weekend, I decided to do a little practicing ahead of having the D4, by playing with creating video using the D300 and a small hand-held video camera.  The result is below, and even though I anticipate that the D4 will provide a step-change in video quality, on the whole I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.  This is, hopefully, the first of many more videos: what I've decided to call the Beautiful Moment Series, sharing the thoughts of (extra)ordinary people on the subject of beauty in particular, but also on their outlooks on life in general.  To begin, I pursuaded the truly lovely Kristen Chase, the founder of the wildly successful site Cool Mom Picks, to be my first guinea pig.

As expected, she was as charming as ever.  I hope you enjoy.​

On that note, I'm off to Columbus, Georgia today, to speak at the Women's Leadership Conference at Columbus State University this week, so posting here might be a bit spotty while I'm gone.  If you'll be at the conference, though, I hope you'll stop and say hi -- I'd love to meet you. 

And finally, just a friendly reminder that registration for the Spring session of ​the Path Finder ends March 21, 2012You can read all about it here.  I really hope you'll join me -- it's such a fun, creative time, really really.