this was a good ... three weeks
It’s been a while! Let’s catch you up — here’s what it’s looked like around here over the last few weeks:
First, I’ve fallen in love with my journal in a serious way. This is probably the longest stretch of daily journaling and sketching and handlettering than I’ve ever done. And incidentally, when I start collecting quotes, it means I’m toying with a new book idea.
(But first, I have to get The Lightmaker’s Manifesto launched. Have you pre-ordered your copy yet? I’d be honoured if you would!)
Marcus and I celebrated our nineteenth anniversary. Nineteen. How did that go so fast?
Speaking of The Lightmaker’s Manifesto, I bought this amazing handwoven hanging from the incredibly talented Reena. The medallions on the weaving have a quote that, unbeknownst to Reena when she was creating it, was one that I’d actually included in my book:
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
Isn’t that amazing? I love this work so much. And Reena is so special — with everything she makes, she donates a portion of the proceeds to a nonprofit whose mission is to make the world a brighter place. For example, this amazing necklace, with the phrase “make light” on it, helps support LuminAID's Give Light initiative, which partners with NGOs to provide solar-powered, sustainable light to individuals impacted by natural disasters and political unrest. So if you’d like to support a great artist and a good cause, please don’t hesitate to purchase one for yourself or a friend. (And for the record, I don’t make a penny on this necklace — this is entirely on Reena’s sole initiative.)
Alex has begun her final year of high school. Incredible, right? She’s also thigh-deep in applying to universities, so things are really hopping over here. Please send all good vibes to the admissions gods.
She’s applying to some really interesting colleges as well. I can’t wait to see where she ends up attending.
In some exciting news, Hurricane Nicholas took a little tour of Texas, moving right through Houston. Luckily, other than 12 hours with no power and lots of tree debris, damage to our neighbourhood was pretty minimal. It appears we dodged a bullet.
After Nicholas passed through, the weather became unusually tolerable for late Houston summer. I even worked outside a bit on the little office patio that Marcus built for me for my birthday!
And sitting outside, I’ve noticed a ton of hummingbirds and monarch butterflies! I tried to take a photograph of them, but they wouldn’t cooperate. The little dragonfly above did, though.
Marcus bought the flowers above at the grocery store recently, just because. The colour takes my breath away.
So that’s what we’ve been up to — nothing much, still trying to keep ourselves safe from the virus, trying to keep life moving along in a cadence that feels comfortable and safe. I’ve missed you guys. I’ve been updating more often on Instagram, but this morning, I came across this article and — well — it’s giving me pause about social media in a real way. I suspect that I’m going to start relying more on tools that allow me to control my words and my intent better than social media does, and that means this blog and my newsletter. But I’d be interested in hearing how you all are using social media — do you still enjoy it? Do you rely on it?
Tell me something good.