this was a good week
The guitar lesson. (At home, September 2014.)
Here's what made this week great:
• Old friends, new friends, afternoon rainshowers while I worked, and music. Always music. (Fun story: during Alex's second guitar class, above, her instructor, Mr. Leland, taught her the tiniest bit of a song -- but didn't tell her what song it is. Every week going forward, he's going to teach her another bit of the song, until eventually, she'll recognize what she's playing. Isn't that awesome? When I took my guitar lessons at her age, my teacher made me pick out Long, Long Ago for about 6 weeks straight. It was excruciating.
Needless to say, I didn't stick with it. But Alex? Alex is so determined to figure it out, not to mention she's already bestowed the compliment of "so swag" on Leland. So things are looking much better for her guitar career than mine.)
• These images of smoke plumes are mesmerizing. They almost make me want to find a smoker to try to capture similar photos. (But maybe I'll just light an incense stick.)
• This journal, filled with daily sketches, is blowing my mind. (Maybe I should do a similar challenge for the new year?)
• Love the brilliant Steve McCurry and his study of steps. (And speaking of steps, have you joined my #MiracleMarathon team yet? You totally should: 20 minutes a day helps save children's lives, possibly gets your body primed for guilt-free holiday treating, and allows you to say you're a marathoner with a straight face. It's a trifecta of awesome, friends!)
• Love Erin Loechner's deep words on the myth of effortless. I can't stop thinking about them. I think she's onto something.
• Speaking of "the myth of effortless," check out these skateboard tricks in slow motion. If I show this to Alex, I'll never get her to come inside again.
• Be good to each other. The future of the world (and our possible alien overlords) depends on it.
• And finally, the song of the day: this week would have been Michael Jackson 56th birthday. To commemorate this day, 17-year-old violist Jeremy Green put together this arrangement of Jackson's "Man in the Mirror" -- and it's lovely.
Click here or on the image below to watch.
Have a wonderful weekend, friends. See you on Monday.