this was a good week
Alex, performing her original work, "Unsolicited Advice to Girls With Natural Hair," Rice University, Houston, Texas, Thursday, June 15, 2017.
Today was a good week! Here's how:
• Alex finishes two weeks of poetry slam camp today, and yesterday was the final slam competition. Her piece was awesome, but even more fantastic was the way she stepped up on that stage, in front of an audience of about 400 people, and read that bad boy like she was born to do it. Even better, when the coach asked for volunteers to read a second piece after the competition was over, she didn't even hesitate. It's awesome to see her try something new and give it her heart.
• Talk about using your privilege to help change the world: art for social justice. I love this story.
• Anthony Bourdain visited Trinidad. This is the most comprehensive feature on my country I've seen in years.
• The photographs shared in this wonderful NPR feature of the blog Chicano Eats are stunning. I'm definitely going to have to start following that blog.
• Speaking of food, I've never had romanesco, have you? I may have to try this recipe out this weekend.
• The first home Gaudi ever designed is now open to the public, for the first time in its 130-year history. I can't even imagine that someone got to live here once.
• And finally, as the weather gets ever-hotter and more humid here in Houston, a little cooling off Swiss-style. This vide was shot entirely on an iPhone 7. Which means it's time for all of us to get out there and capture our summer travel stories with whatever camera we have at hand.
Click here or the image below to watch.
On that note, have a great weekend, friends.