this was a good week
A walk in the woods, Wednesday, January 16, 2019.
This was a great week! Here’s why:
• I was hella productive, I got outside in nature, even on the grey days, and things are coming together for Season 4 of the Make Light Show. Woohoo!
• Speaking of productive, I’m so excited my friends Christine Koh and Asha Dornfest (Edit Your Life Show podcast co-hosts + Minimalist Parenting co-authors) are launching something awesome: a 21-day interactive productivity e-retreat that will boost your productivity and help you develop habits that will work all year. The e-retreat kicks off February 1, 2019, and each day you’ll receive a key productivity exercise, exclusive audio, a series of printable worksheets, and access to a private Facebook community. Go register now!
• This video of a 14-month-old who rides a hoverboard like a pro made my day.
• I ran across this photograph of Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration. Apparently this sort of documentary photography was rare back in 1861. So cool.
• And speaking of images, check these ones out from the 2018 Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Marsel van Oosten. Incredible.
• Why make art, or how to get naked.
• And finally, today’s soundtrack: as I was putting this post together, I was listening to Pandora, and this classic came on. It’s the perfect Friday-afternoon-work’s-done-let’s-go-find-somewhere-cozy-and-connect-with-friends-song. An oldie but a goodie to ease into the weekend.
Click the arrow below to listen.
With that, have a great weekend, friends. See you next week.