this was a good week
Sleepy Soca.
You ever have one of those weeks with wild swings? Yeah. It was one of those weeks. But you know what? This was also a good week. Here’s why:
• This weekend is going to be all about rest, rest, rest. We’re even planning a family movie night — featuring A Christmas Story — with all the lights turned off except for Christmas lights. Hell, yeah.
• My friend Mark sent me this link, with the note “I know you like diving, and that you like the expansive wonders of space. So I thought you’d like this too.” Just click on that link and keep scrolling (set aside 5-10 minutes to do so). Wow.
• My friend Xanthe is taking a photo a day — it’s so joyful. (I’m doing my #decemberlight over on Instagram, but this photo a day thing seems like good practice, too.)
• The silent language of hands.
• And finally, for today’s soundtrack: Marcus and I have an ongoing “argument” about the Milky Way. I’ve never actually seen it, and keep (teasingly) arguing to him that it cannot be seen with the naked eye. This infuriates him, and he’s constantly saying, “One day we have got to get you out of a city so you can see it!” So this short film about light pollution should make him shriek, “I told you so!!”
From the video description: Most of us live under heavily light polluted skies, and some people have never even seen the Milky Way. During a 1994 blackout, L.A. residents called 911 when they saw the Milky Way for the first time. Although we can't imagine popular cities like L.A. and Manhattan almost dark upon nightfall, we can limit the light pollution specially the sky glow. Sky glow is the result of light directed upward instead of where it is most useful: on streets and homes. Thus most of a city’s artificial light is wasted anyway.
Click here or the image below to watch and be amazed.
And with those amazing images, have a great weekend, friends.