this was a good week

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Despite global news really harshing my mellow, this week did have some good in it — and it feels extra important to name it. Here’s where it was:

• On a personal front, my dad turned an incredibly healthy and vital 80 years old this week, I made huge progress on a work project, and I bought a zamioculcas zamiifolia plant that I named ZZ Top, for obvious reasons. She now sits in my office cleaning the air and apparently bringing good fortune and that’s always a good thing.

Love this visual reminder of simple pleasures.

Ever wondered what a cloud sounds like?

This company makes tiny homes for kids who age out of the foster system and are homeless, and I love this idea.

This artist “heals” scarred trees with embroidery.

• In 1966, George Harrison of the Beatles took a trip to India — and he also took a bunch of selfies while he was there. I love them.

Traditional wedding outfits from around the world.

• And finally, for today’s soundtrack, the psychedelic, dreamy mood of Raveena’s Tiny Desk Concert. Click here or the image below to enjoy.

Have a great weekend, lovelies.