uncommonly beautiful #1: aimee woodall


Yesterday, I decided to go check out a new-to-me little coffeehouse, Antidote Coffee.  I was sitting there just minding my own business, when a friend of mine, Aimee Woodall​, walked in.  Aimee is the owner of my favourite Houston PR company, The Black Sheep Agency (they were the ones behind the awesome protest at TEDxHouston a couple of years ago).  Aimee is one of the clearest, most comfortable-in-her-own-skin, honest people I know.  She's always smiling, always warm, and isn't afraid to speak her truth, always in the kindest way possible.  It's very refreshing.​

I hadn't seen Aimee in a few months, so it was a happy surprise to spend some time with her.

Song​Sail by AWOLNATION.  I love this song because its sound feels unconventional. Like Aimee.

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​I take tons of portraits --  usually as part of my 1000 faces challenge -- but I also take photographs of so many other beautiful people, in ways that don't really work for that gallery. So I've decided to start an Uncommonly Beautiful feature here on Chookooloonks, to share some of my favourites with you, and introduce you to these uncommonly beautiful folks.  I hope you enjoy them.

Reminder:  Registration for the Chookooloonks Path Finder is now open!  The course is designed to show you how uncommonly beautiful you are, so I hope you'll join me.  You can read all about it here, and register here
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