we are all connected
You guys are amazing: within 24 hours of my previous post going live, Camp Hope received $6000, because of you.*
YOU did that.
I'm seriously just stunned. You know, when beautiful things like this happen, I can't help but marvel at how connected we all are in this world. The fact that most of you who donated and/or helped to spread the word have never met me in person, probably just heard of Camp Hope for the first time two days ago, and were still compelled to lend a hand ... I mean, that is just a beautiful thing. I can't tell you how grateful I am to each of you. Really, really.
Serendipitously, yesterday I also happened upon the video above on my friend Ryan's website: it is the official music video trailer for the upcoming film One Day On Earth, a movie made from footage taken all around the world on October 10th, 2010 (10.10.10). The music and imagery you'll see and hear above are from this movie -- and if it doesn't illustrate how connected we all are on this little planet of ours, I just don't know what does.
Enjoy. And again, thank you, friends. You're all so incredibly inspiring.
* Camp Hope still has quite a ways to go before they meet their budget goal, so any additional word-spreading you can do would be oh-so-appreciated. Also, the winners of the signed copies of The Beauty of Different have been posted on yesterday's post -- if you won a copy, please email me with your snail-mail address and I'll get your book to you as soon as possible.