
This weekend, my friends Mark and Morgan and their two children were in town for a family wedding, and we were lucky enough to have them stay at our house.  Their elder child, William, is my godson, and I hadn't seen him in almost 18 months.  He's definitely not a baby anymore -- dude is all boy.

He's also one of the most photogenic kids I've ever captured with my camera.  So naturally, when he ran outside to our back garden with a bubble gun, I ran right after him.


Those eyesman.

Even though they left yesterday, we've happily already made plans to visit them at their new home in Boston later this year.  

I plan on chasing him with my Nikon there, too.


Song:  Real gone by Sheryl Crow.  On Saturday night, William stayed with us while the rest of his family went to the wedding, and we took that opportunity to introduce him to the movie Cars.  You really have not lived until you've rocked out with an almost-3-year-old to the Cars soundtrack.