word(s) of the year 2020 (and a private little practice)
My first couple of watercolour experiments. (Likely the last ones you’ll see for a while, too!)
Inspired by my sweet friend, Ali Edwards, for the last decade or so I’ve had a Word of the Year to help inspire what I wanted to create more of during the year. Past words include BEAUTY and THRIVE and last year, AMPLIFY. Some words have worked better than others — the jury’s still out on last year’s word — but nonetheless, I always enjoy having a word to act as a North Star for the year. In general, they feel more encouraging that New Year’s resolutions.
This year, my official word is BOLD. I chose it because I really want to be bold in my work — in what I offer, and as a state of mind when I’m launching something new, but have a bit of fear around it. I’m uncomfortable with the word, but it feels like a the good kind of discomfort: the kind that tells you that maybe if it feels scary, it’s the right move.
But there’s still another word that keeps haunting me. And that word is EXPERIMENT. The way I figure it, it works nicely with BOLD: EXPERIMENT means trying new things, and seeing where they lead. And in my experience, sometimes it takes some courage and boldness to experiment. So I’m going to embrace it.
I often do vision boards to help keep my words top-of-mind for the coming year (this year’s can be found here), but this year I’m going to try something new, as well (yay for EXPERIMENT!). As it happens, this year, Marcus gave me a little journal in my Christmas stocking — only about 5”x3” — filled with sketch paper. And I’ve decided that as an actual New Year’s resolution, I’m going to do a quick sketch in it every day for 2020.
Now, for those of you who have been artistic all your lives might not understand why this is such a bold experiment for me (see what I did there?). For most of my life, I have believed (and been told) that I’m not an artistic person (my kindergarten report card specifically says that I’m “good at language and arithmetic, but show no artistic ability). And for this reason, I’ve had a lot of fear around even trying to sketch anything. I mean, what’s the point?
But, being the journaling evangelist that I’ve been over the years, it suddenly dawned on me: why not create a practice around drawing? I tell people constantly that journals are meant for their eyes only — why not create a private little drawing and sketching practice just for me? It’s a way to practice courage, and certainly to cultivate experimentation — and since I have the pretty little journal to carry around with me, I really don’t have many excuses.
And so a few days ago, I bought a little water colour “pocket box” to go with my little journal, and I’ve begun playing with it. I’m still feeling really shy around it (Marcus and Alex are both really talented artists in this family, and the story I keep making up is, again, what’s the point), but I’m determined to keep at it, just to see where it takes me. And I’m pretty proud that I’ve at least begun.
So my friends, a question to mull around as we wind down the end of the year: is there a little practice that you can create for yourself — something low-key, something private — that can help you keep your mantra or word for 2020 top-of-mind for you? I’ve shared mine with you here, but I’m really thinking about something you can keep really close to the vest, something private, for your own enjoyment, and self-inspiration?
Something to think about, anyway.
Happy New Year, lovelies.
As you’re thinking about winding down the year, I wanted to remind you that CREATE.2020 registration is now open! CREATE.2020 is a 15-day, self-guided journaling course to help you reflect on the previous year, dream about the new one, and help guide you to actualize your best intentions for 2020. Every day for 15 days you'll receive prompts, exercises, food for thought and meditations in your inbox directly from me, to help you journal your way into formulating your best intentions for 2020. You'll create a practice of journaling (including art journaling!), tailored to spark your own inspiration, and help make 2020 your best year ever. (I’ll even guide you in making your own vision board for your word of the year — it’ll be fun!)
CREATE.2020 is being offered for its lowest price ever — only US$35 (so much less than your daily latte!). So I hope you’ll join me. Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. US central time on Friday, January 3rd, 2020 (THIS COMING FRIDAY), and the class opens on Monday, January 6th, 2020.
Click here or the button below to register. Let’s make light together for 2020.
don't forget to mark the milestones.